cee scallen
energize/release flow: wednesdays
6pm CST weekly
inclusive vinyasa class where we ground, connect, and flow.

Time & Location
6pm CST weekly
About the Event
description: come mindfully move with colleen!! in catnap yoga vinyasa classes, we will embrace a theme and work within it to ground, connect, flow, and find a mindful moment to just be.
payment: classes are sliding scale as follows:
kitten: $5 cat: $10 grandcat: $15.
venmo @Colleen-Scallen or PayPal paypal.me/colleenscallen1 your preferred amount, using only emojis/graphics or non-business-related words (i.e., 🐱🧘, i love cats) to avoid either of us getting charged a fee. if finances are a barrier, please please contact me--community > capitalism, always. period.
where/how: i will send a GoogleMeet invite to your provided email the day of the class, as well as playlist link. log on a few minutes before (class will open 10 minutes before). cameras can be on or off, whatever your comfort level is! registration closes 10pm CST the night before for morning classes and 10am CST the day of for evening classes.
vinyasa flow wednesdays
this ticket serves as your registration for this week's wednesday vinyasa class. please see payment information on the previous page! you will be emailed the class GoogleMeet link and playlist link the day of the class.